CMAP Board and MPO Policy Committee resolution submitting Plan of Action for Regional Transit pursuant to Illinois Public Act 102-1028
ACTION REQUESTED: CMAP Board and MPO Policy Committee Approval
PURPOSE & ACTION: The Plan of Action for Regional Transit (PART) fulfills the requirements of Illinois Public Act 102-1028 tasking the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) with developing legislative recommendations on the region's transit system. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in drastic shifts in transit ridership across the region with the prevalence of remote work and changes to where, when, and how people traditionally traveled. This resulted in major revenue loss, forcing transit providers to rely on federal assistance to operate. Those funds will soon expire which means a $730 million annual budget gap by 2026 simply to return to pre-pandemic service levels. PART is grounded in sound public policy; builds on previous regional plans; and includes meaningful public engagement, data, models, analysis, findings, alternatives, and recommendations consistent and aligned with the region’s goals outlined in ON TO 2050. It contains recommendations on improvements to the system, how to pay for it and how to implement reforms. A resolution has been crafted that authorizes CMAP to submit the Plan of Action for Regional Transit to the Governor and General Assembly for their consideration of the recommendations contained therein by January 1, 2024.