Academic Research Representative 1
Academic Research Representative 2
Anne Sheahan
Anne Zhang
ATA Representative
Carolyn Schofield
CDOT Representative
Central Council of Mayors
Chad Riddle
Chris Schmidt
City of Chicago Representative
Class I Railroads Representative
CMAP Representative
CMAP Representative 1
CMAP Representative 2
CoM Representative
Cook Co Representative
Counties Representative
CTA Representative
Darwin Burkhart
Dave Brady
Douglas Ferguson
DuPage Co Representative
DuPage Council of Mayors
Ethan Kimbrel
FHWA Representative
Frank Beal
FTA Representative
Gary Grasso
Gerald Bennett
Grant Davis
Heather Mullins
IDOT - OIPI Representative
IDOT - OP&P Representative
IDOT Representative
IDOT-D1 Representative
IEPA Representative
Jada Curry
Jeffery Schielke
Jeffrey Sriver
Jennifer (Sis) Killen
Joanna Ruiz
John Donovan
John Noak
John Roberson
Jon Paul Diipla
Kama Dobbs
Kane Co Representative
Kane Council of Mayors
Kendall Co Representative
Kouros Mohammadian
Lake Co Representative
Lake Council of Mayors
Leanne Redden
Leon Rockingham
Mark Kane
Mark Kuchler
Mark Pitstick
Matthew Brolley
Matthew Walsh
McHenry Co Representative
McHenry Council of Mayors
Metra Representative
MPC Representative
Nancy Rotering
Nina Idemudia
NIRPC Representative
North Central Council of Mayors
North Shore Council of Mayors
Northwest Council of Mayors
Pace Representative
Paul Hoefert
Richard Reinbold
RTA Representative
SEWRPC Representative
South Council of Mayors
Southwest Council of Mayors
Tollway Representative
Tom Rickert
Tony Greep
Will Co Representative
Will Council of Mayors